jueves, 12 de marzo de 2015

Mother and Grandmother to Her gay son!....what? ...Mas Ricos y Pobres mas Pobres!...Jihadi Jake fooled to KILL himself!

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A British court ruled that Kyle Casson could adopt the child, because they are brothers.Daily Mail video screenshot
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British woman gives birth to her own grandson, acting as surrogate mother for her gay son

March 11, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A British woman has given birth to her own grandson, acting as a surrogate mother for her homosexual son.
Kyle Casson's 46-year-old mother, Anne-Marie Casson, 46, of Doncaster, South Yorkshire, carried a donated egg fertilized with her son's sperm.
The UK's 2008 Human Fertilization and Embryology Act, which governs surrogacy arrangements, generally discourages surrogate mothers from acting on behalf of a single parent. Under the law it is illegal to hand over a child to only the biological father. Instead, the child must be given to a couple "in an enduring family relationship."
However, in this case a judge ruled that while Anne-Marie Casson and her husband are the legal parents of the child, Kyle can legally adopt the baby boy, because the newborn and his father are brothers.
Mrs. High Court Justice Theis said in her ruling that the baby, who is named Miles, “was born following a surrogacy arrangement whereby the gestational surrogate was [the man's] mother. [Her husband] fully supported this.”
She said the gestational pact was an "admittedly unusual arrangement” and “not one, as far as I am aware, that either this court or the clinic has previously encountered.”
However, she ruled, although highly unusual, [it] is entirely lawful under the relevant statutory provisions," because it was “entered into by the parties after careful consideration, following each having individual counseling and with all the treatment being undertaken by a fertility clinic licensed by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA).”
Critics have described Justice Theis' ruling as "dubious" and have called for reforms to the Human Fertilization and Embryology Act to prevent what such abuses.
Jill Kirby, a writer and policy analyst told the Telegraph that she found it “very disturbing that any mother would consider it healthy or appropriate to give birth to her son’s child.”
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“What is even more worrying is that the High Court has granted the son an adoption order, partly based on the ‘closeness’ of the relationship between the family members involved,” she continued.
A spokesman for the law firm Natalie Gamble Associates, which represented Kyle Casson in the hearing, said, "Family surrogacy arrangements are not uncommon. We have certainly dealt with many cases where a sister, sister-in-law, mother, or cousin has acted as a surrogate. Indeed such arrangements are actively incentivized by UK law, given the legal restrictions on advertising and brokering surrogacy arrangements between strangers.:
“The unusual feature of this case is not the family context, but the fact that the intended father was single, and therefore unsupported by the law,” the spokesman stated.
Robert Flello, Labour MP for Stoke-on-Trent South, said the Casson case raises “many concerns and worries.”
Social media commentators took note of the generational confusion created by a man being his offspring's father and brother simultaneously, with some calling it “gross,” “disgusting,” and “selfish.”
"Our traditional notion of 'the family’ has been stretched to include cohabitation, divorce, step-parents and step children, and gay marriage,” the Telegraph's Cristina Odone wrote. "Can it stretch further to encompass surrogacy cases where a mother and son have a baby together?”
“Or does this endless manipulation in fact leave the family unit hollowed out, a meaningless husk rather than an inspiring template for all?"

Ricos y pobres

PobrezaEl famoso intelectual argentino Mario Bunge afirmó sobre el capitalismo: “Los ricos se han hecho más ricos y los pobres se han quedado igual o peor.” Como se ve, son menester nuevas ediciones del Perfecto idiota latinoamericano.
Esto que dice Bunge que pasa no ha pasado nunca en el capitalismo, y mucho menos en las décadas recientes, en las que ha habido unaevidente reducción de la pobreza en el mundo. Sostener que los pobres están igual o peor es una gansada monumental.
Despotricar contra los ricos también es una tontería, porque los ricos sólo son malos si son ladrones, pero no si se enriquecen en el mercado. Asimismo, hay que observar que los ricos no son un grupo petrificado donde se repiten siempre las mismas personas, familias y empresas.
Ante diagnósticos tan flojos no cabe esperar conclusiones profundas. La de don Mario es: “lo ideal no es que el Estado sea patrón, sino que los trabajadores sean los patrones, que los que trabajan posean y administren sus empresas, un poco lo que ocurre con el pequeño negocio familiar”.
Otra vez, Bunge no tiene ni la menor idea de lo que sucede con las empresas, y en particular con las familiares: numerosas empresas cierran, y las familiares también. En su boba recomendación de que los trabajadores no sean trabajadores sino capitalistas, este ilustre pensador está olvidando la diferencia fundamental entre un trabajador y un capitalista, que consiste en que éste último puede perder todo su capital.
¿Por qué no pedirá Bunge, sin ir más lejos, que los Gobiernos bajen los impuestos y cotizaciones sociales, para enriquecer a los trabajadores, en vez de recomendar lanzarlos a la aventura empresarial, siempre más peligrosa que la asalariada o profesional?

Former Australian citizen ‘Jihadi Jake’ who apparently converted to radical Islam while still at school has reportedly killed himself in a suicide bomb attack, after driving a van load of explosives into a public place in Ramadi, Iraq.

The so-called “white Jihadi” was considered a major propaganda coup for the Islamic State when he travelled to Iraq by way of Turkey last year and was pictured wearing a bullet proof vest and posing with two jihadists and assault rifles. Although he went to fight, eighteen year-old Jake Bilardi had clearly outlived his useful purpose to the Islamic State as he ended up facing the same fate as many of his European-born colleagues, being used as a suicide bomber.
A number of reports coming from within the totalitarian theocratic state have said the Islamic State, while welcoming converts and run-aways from Europe have found them hard to turn into soldiers, as they don’t speak Arabic and are unaccustomed to hard work. They are put onto menial work, or as in this case turned into suicide bombers.
Among the reports of Bilardi’s death as a bomber, with photographs of him driving the explosive-packed van released by the Islamic State, focus has turned onto the writings made by the school drop-out teenager explaining his journey from ordinary life in Australia to self-immolation in the Levant. The Daily Mail reports the latest entry from his online journal, “From Melbourne to Ramadi: My Journey”. Bilardi wrote before his death:
“With my martyrdom operation drawing closer, I want to tell you my story, how I came from being an Atheist school student in affluent Melbourne to a soldier of the Khilafah preparing to sacrifice my life for Islam in Ramadi, Iraq.
Jake Bilardi White Jihadi ISIS Van Bomb
ISIS propagandists have released this image on twitter, which claims to show Jake driving to his death
“Many people in Australia probably think they know the story, but the truth is, this is something that has remained between myself and Allah (azza wa’jal) until now.
“My life in Melbourne’s working-class suburbs was, despite having its ups and downs just like everyone else, very comfortable. I found myself excelling in my studies, just as my siblings had, and had dreamed of becoming a political journalist. I always dreamed that one day I would travel to countries such as Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan to cover the situations in these lands…
“Being just five-years-old at the time of the attacks on the United States on 11 September 2001, my knowledge of the operation was basically non-existent…
“It was from my investigations into the invasions and occupations of both Iraq and Afghanistan that gave birth to my disdain for the United States and its allies, including Australia. It was also the start of my respect for the mujahideen that would only grow to develop into a love of Islam and ultimately bring me here to the Islamic State, but I’ll get to that later…
“I guess I was always destined to stand here as a soldier in the army of Shaykh Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (May Allah have mercy upon him) considering the great respect I had for him even before I entered Islam. May Allah accept him among the best of shuhadah and allow me to sit with him in the highest ranks of Jannah…
“Fearing possible attempts by the increasingly-intrusive authorities in Australia to prevent my departure [to the Middle East] I began drawing up a Plan B.
“This plan involved launching a string of bombings across Melbourne, targeting foreign consulates and political/military targets as well as grenade and knife attacks on shopping centres and cafes and culminating with myself detonating a belt of explosives amongst the kuffar.
“As I began collecting materials for the explosives and prepared to start making the devices I realised that the authorities were oblivious to my plans but if anything was to attract their attention it would be my purchasing of chemicals and other bomb-making materials and so I ceased the planning of Plan B and sat waiting until everything was prepared and I could exit the country undetected”.
Although it is not known how many people were killed or injured by his car bomb, his explosion appears to have been part of a coordinated ISIS attack against Ramadi on Wednesday, in which seven simultaneous explosions killed ten and injured thirty. An ISIS source has claimed the other bombers included Belgian, Syrian, and Georgian militants.

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015

Contraception access INCREASES abortions...! Is there an American Dream?...Paises Desdichados: Venezuela y Argentina!!!


Confessions of a former Planned Parenthood director
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We've all been had. Even top pro-abort leaders are now admitting the obvious: that contraception access INCREASES the abortion rate.

Sorry folks. Contraception access increases abortions. And here’s the proof.

Every time I post something on my Facebook about abortion, there will inevitably be someone who makes a comment that says something like this, "Don't women know how to use birth control these days? What is wrong with them? With so many birth control options these days, no one should ever have an abortion."
I supposed that is a really common misconception...that birth control reduces the abortion rate. But is that true? Look at this quote from Ann Furedi, the former director of British Pregnancy Advisory Service, Britain's largest abortion provider: 
Often, arguments for increased access to contraception and for new contraceptive technologies are built on the assumption that these developments will bring down the abortion rate. The anti-choice movement counter that this does not seem to be the case in practice. Arguably they are right. Access to effective contraception creates an expectation that women can control their fertility and plan their families. Given that expectation, women may be less willing to compromise their plans for the future. In the past, many women reluctantly accepted that an unplanned pregnancy would lead to maternity. Unwanted pregnancies were dutifully, if resentfully, carried to term. In days when sex was expected to carry the risk of pregnancy, an unwanted child was a chance a woman took. Today, we expect sex to be free from that risk and unplanned maternity is not a price we are prepared to pay.
It is clear that women cannot manage their fertility by means of contraception alone. 
Contraception lets couples down. A recent survey of more than 2000 women requesting abortions at clinics run by BPAS, Britain’s largest abortion provider, found that almost 60% claim to have been using contraception at the time they became pregnant. Nearly 20% said that they were on the pill. Such findings are comparable to several other smaller studies published during the last decade… It is clear that contraceptives let couples down… The simple truth is that the tens of thousands of women who seek abortion each year are not ignorant of contraception. Rather they have tried to use it, indeed they may have used it, and become pregnant regardless.
Here's a statistic from the Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood's research arm. This stat makes Planned Parenthood look terrible, so I can't imagine that this is not accurate. They have absolutely nothing to gain by putting this out there: "More than half of women obtaining abortions in 2000 (54%) had been using a contraceptive method during the month they became pregnant."
How is it that abortion supporters understand that birth control does not reduce abortion, yet pro-lifers don't? Birth control was created so that we could separate sex from procreation. How do we not get that, pro-lifers? When you separate the act of sex from babies, of course abortions occur.
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Let's look at a quote from Rosalind Pollack Petchesky, famous abortion-supporting feminist: "Until a 'perfect' method of contraception is developed, which will probably never happen, periods of heightened consciousness and extended practice of birth control will inevitably mean a rise in abortions."
In a book written by Petchesky, she comments on the research of demographer and feminist Susan Scrimshaw who linked rising abortions to wide acceptance of the birth-control pill:
But Scrimshaw reminds us that the pill, as a more effective method of reversible contraception that women had ever known, contributed to a climate of expectations that women need not and should not have to fear an unwanted pregnancy. Having a baby when you didn't want to became "unthinkable" for new generations of women, or for older generations in new stages in their lives. This change consciousness undoubtedly contributed to the rising abortions, for women who did not use the pill as well as those who did.

I'm not saying that you should only have sex when you are fertile. But to be perfectly honest, you should only have sex when you are open to life. Because believe it or not, babies are many times a result of sex. And that's the way it was intended to be.   
Look at these studies and articles, all showing that as the contraception rate increases, the abortion rate increases. 
Bottom line: Contraception does not reduce abortion. You may say, "Well, I'm on birth control for xyz health problem." Okay. I wrote an article specifically for you. You can view that here
The great news is that you don't have to use birth control to space your children. Natural Family Planning works and is as effective, and sometimes more effective, than the birth control methods out there. Check out these websites for more information. 
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The Dark Side of the American Dream

  • New York City skyline
MARCH 6, 2015
A Most Violent Year (2015, 125 minutes) is the third film from writer-director J.C. Chandor who wrote and directed 2011’s Margin Callabout a Lehman Brothers-like firm in the early days of the 2008 financial crisis. Margin Call explored the complex relationships between white collar workers, corporate executives, and the firm’s customers in the face of economic ruin. With A Most Violent Year, Chandor returns to similar themes. But in this case, he focuses on a privately-owned heating oil business in 1981 New York City made successful by the relentless determination of Abel Morales (Oscar Isaac), an immigrant who has clawed his way to the top of his industry through a commitment to salesmanship and slow-and-steady growth.
Morales also faces economic ruin if he cannot complete a purchase of a valuable piece of real estate which will allow him to crush his competition.
Morales prides himself on playing by the rules of the marketplace. That is, he is committed to beating his competition by providing a better service to his customers. The problem is that Morales’s competitors do not have similar hang-ups, and they are more than happy to employ dirty tricks such as violently hijacking Morales’s trucks full of heating oil and stealing their contents.
On top of this, Morales must deal with an aggressive and politically ambitious assistant district attorney, the teamsters union, and other shady figures from organized crime outfits who threaten his business.
In the opening scenes, one of Morales’s drivers, Julian (Elyes Gabel) is badly beaten when his truck is hijacked by unknown thugs. Morales is appalled by this disregard for fair play and tells Julian “these men are cowards. They’re too weak to earn a living or fight with their own hands. They’re too stupid to think of something [legitimate] to do.”
Indeed, the film portrays Morales, who was once a driver himself, as being genuinely concerned for the welfare of his employees. He considers Julian, whom Morales personally drives home from the hospital, to be an excellent employee whose job will be waiting for him when he recovers. But, of course, Morales also knows that he can’t survive if thieves continue to steal his heating oil.
The police find Morales’s truck, with all the oil removed, shortly thereafter. However, the police are of no help whatsoever, and not surprisingly so, since New York City is in the midst of a crime wave and the murder rate is at an all-time high. For Morales, the police are dead weight who do nothing to prevent or prosecute theft. To emphasize this, we then learn that Morales and his company are being investigated by the assistant district attorney for a variety of regulatory infractions (i.e., what libertarians call “non-crimes”) such as “price fixing” and related offenses, including tax evasion. As we soon see, however, it’s unclear as to what exactly Morales is paying taxes for. Morales asks the district attorney for help in stopping the thefts, but as far as he is concerned, he tells Morales, “you’re all stealing from each other, which is a refreshing change from what you’ve been doing to your customers and the taxpayers.” If Morales is going to stop the theft of his oil, he’s clearly on his own.
Meanwhile, the teamsters union (which represents Morales's drivers) is threatening to illegally arm all truck drivers in the face of the hijacking threat. Morales fears that violence may spin out of control and also clearly fears New York’s draconian anti-gun laws which will come down hard on Morales if his drivers are found with handguns. Thus, the drivers remain helpless and the hijackings continue.
Morales’s family even becomes endangered as one of his competitors apparently sends a gunman to terrorize the family in their suburban home. Morales’s wife, who comes from a family with organized crime connections, demands Morales take more decisive action, by which she means actions of ambiguous legality. She threatens to take care of things herself, and notes “you’re not going to like what’ll happen once I get involved.”
Morales does find himself being pulled into the organized crime world more and more. Following the assistant district attorney’s public announcement that Morales is under investigation, he loses his line of credit from the bank and must turn to the New York underworld to find the funding he needs to complete a time-sensitive purchase of a valuable oil-storage facility on the East River. Thanks to the assistant district attorney, he must then beg his own shady competitors for money, and although his entrepreneurial ingenuity is key to the solution, the film hints that ultimately, Morales’s business is saved by the thievery of others.
Thanks to Chandor’s preference for subtlety, this movie is neither preachy nor didactic, so Morales’s moral position is never entirely clear. Is he a nearly-blameless entrepreneur who has merely had the misfortune of being surrounded by people of questionable moral character? Or has Morales played the system all along, and his uprightness is mostly just something he believes in his own mind? What we do know is that A Most Violent Year is a very convincing story of how the so-called American dream has been corrupted by ambitious politicians, unchecked crime, and a state that is impotent except when it comes to prosecuting people who provide the actual goods and services on which society relies. At the same time, the film’s point may be that capitalists and entrepreneurs have willingly participated in the system’s corruption, but if that is the point, it doesn’t obscure the overall quality of this film.
Image source: iStockphoto

Note: The views expressed on Mises.org are not necessarily those of the Mises Institute.

Los países desdichados

VenezuelaBloomberg Business reveló recientemente que Venezuela es el país más “miserable” del mundo. La traducción es demasiado literal. En español sería más apropiado decir que es el más “desdichado”.
La aseveración de Bloomberg surge de la aplicación de una simple fórmula acuñada hace más de medio siglo por el economista norteamericano Arthur Okun: se suman el nivel de desempleo y el índice de precios. Con esos elementos se compila el Misery Index.
Venezuela, en efecto, tiene la inflación más alta del planeta, lo que se refleja en el índice de precios, pero su nivel de desempleo es bajo, menos de un 7%, aunque la mayor parte de los puestos de trabajo han surgido en el sector público, dado que miles de empresas han debido cerrar sus puertas por las desquiciadas medidas antieconómicasdel gobierno chavista.
El segundo país en ese Índice de Desdicha es Argentina. A una escala menor, el gran país sudamericano también es víctima de una altísima inflación. Nada nuevo bajo el sol. Lleva décadas de intermitentes malos gobiernos. Como el bandoneón que tanto gusta en aquellos parajes, se expande o contrae frecuentemente. Ahora está en una fase aguda de contracción.
La inflación y el desempleo son dos flagelos que explican la desgracia de una sociedad, pero no son suficientes. Yo agregaría otros ocho factores para construir el decálogo de las desdichas capitales.
El desabastecimiento sería el tercero. Pasarse la vida en una fila esperando para poder comprar algo es una maldición que suele materializarse en los países socialistas de economía centralizada y controles de precios. Los venezolanos ya han descubierto el horror de pelearse a puñetazos por comprar unos pollos o tres rollos de papel higiénico.
El cuarto sería el porcentaje de delitos. Es espantoso vivir con la guardia en alto, encerrado en la propia casa, sometido a un virtual toque de queda porque tan pronto se pone el sol los ladrones, asesinos y violadores salen a cometer sus fechorías. Según el International Crime Index, que computa una docena de graves violaciones de la ley, Venezuela es el segundo país del planeta en número de delitos (84,07). El peor es Sudán del Sur (85,32), un país recién estrenado en medio de una guerra civil. Más de 50 se considera una sociedad peligrosa. Singapur, la menos peligrosa, luce un 17,59.
El quinto es el nivel de corrupción de la administración pública. Como se trata de delitos ocultos, hay que confiar en la opinión general de la gente. La institución dedicada a medir estas percepciones es Transparencia Internacional. De acuerdo con ella, Venezuela es una pocilga. Es el 160º de 175 países escrutados. El peor, con mucho, de Hispanoamérica.
El sexto es la protección y la calidad de la justicia. Si cuando usted tiembla llama a la policía para que lo proteja, es una buena señal. Si cuando la policía se acerca usted tiembla, la situación es muy grave. A la labor de los agentes del orden se agrega la existencia de leyes razonables, jueces justos, procesos rápidos y cero impunidad.
El séptimo es la movilidad social. La posibilidad real de mejorar la calidad de vida por medio del esfuerzo propio. No hay situación más triste que saber que, hagas lo que hagas, tu vida seguirá siendo pobre, y lo más probable es que mañana será peor que hoy.
El octavo es el PIB per cápita. Es decir, la suma del valor de los bienes y servicios producidos por una sociedad durante un año. Se podrá alegar que la repartición es desigual, pero hay una evidente correlación entre el PIB per cápita y la calidad de vida. Como regla general, los 20 países con mayor PIB per cápita del mundo son los que encabezan el Índice de Desarrollo Humano que publica la ONU.
El noveno elemento es la libertad. Aunque no se menciona, los países menos libres, aquellos en los que la camarilla del poder toma todas las decisiones, aporta todas las ideas e impone sus dogmas por la fuerza, son los más pobres y los menos dichosos.
El décimo, por último, es la cantidad de emigrantes. No hay síntoma más elocuente del fracaso de una sociedad que el porcentaje de gente que tiene que escapar de ella para sobrevivir. Cuanto más educada es la emigración –como sucede con la venezolana–, más evidente es el desastre. Cuando emigran los emprendedores, los ingenieros, los médicos, las personas que teóricamente pudieran labrarse un buen porvenir en la patria en que nacieron, es señal de que estamos ante sociedades fallidas.
Hay que compilar ese índice. Cruzar esas variables sería muy útil.

martes, 10 de marzo de 2015

What Conservatives want?...Homosexual Activists just can't debate on the Issues!...Por que hay tantas Religiones?

John Hawkins

Conservatives spend a lot of time talking principles, but not as much time as they should telling people what they want to do for the average American. On the other hand, liberals talk incessantly about what conservatives want to do “to” the average American, but almost all of it is wrong. Here’s what conservatives actually want for Americans.
1) A country where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed, but isn’t dragged down by an insistence on equal results.
2) A safe neighborhood where you can let your kids go out and play in the front yard without having to worry about them being shot, kidnapped or coerced by gang members.
3) A country as free as possible of illegal aliens who commit crimes, use taxpayer services without paying, take jobs that should go to citizens and drive down wages for Americans.
4) An environment with clean air, clean water and clean soil.
5) The right to worship the God you believe in as you please, without interference from the state, as long as you don’t hurt anyone else.
6) An environment where Americans can reap rewards as large as the market is willing to pay for their particular talents, work ethic or unique skills.
7) The dignity of supporting yourself with a job, free of dependence on the government.
8) A government that will stay out of your way and allow you to reach your full potential free of interference.
9) The freedom to live as you please and do as you please with your property without interference from the government.
10) The ability of parents to be able to send their children to a school, public or private, that best fits their needs.
11) The protection of the world’s foremost military and a government that is willing to use it to insure the safety of American citizens.
12) Medicare and Social Security programs that are financially solvent long-term so they can continue to benefit retirees.
13) The freedom for people to speak their minds without being censored by the government.
14) A decent culture so that children have a chance to grow up without being morally corrupted.
15) A responsible government that keeps order in the streets, protects Americans from crimes, and enforces basic regulations to keep people from being taken advantage of by crooks or unscrupulous businesses.
16) The ability for women to achieve their fullest potential, whether that’s by being a corporate CEO, opening their own business or staying at home as a full time mom.
17) A country where people are judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.
18) Low taxes, so that Americans get to keep more of their hard earned money instead of sending it to the government.
19) A country where everyone from the President of the United to States to the humblest citizen has to obey the same laws or face the same potential penalties for breaking those laws.
20) A fiscally responsible government that takes great care to wisely spend the tax dollars it collects.

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Ben JohnsonBen JohnsonFollow Ben

State senator’s family receives death threats after promoting religious freedom from gay ‘marriage’

OKLAHOMA, OK, March 9, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) – He introduced a bill that said homosexual activists needed to live and let live. Their reaction – threatening to kill his children – proves his point, he says.
Homosexual activists have sent bullying and intimidating messages – including threats of violence – to Oklahoma State Sen. Joseph Silk, R-Broken Bow, after he sponsored a bill that would have said business owners were free to follow their religious convictions.
The bill became necessary following a string of cases in states such as Washington and New Mexico, in which Christian proprietors have been sued for refusing to take part in gay “weddings.”
After seeing the potentially devastating consequences awaiting those who refused to affirm the homosexual lifestyle, he decided, “We need to get legislation on the books before that becomes an issue” in his own state. Sen. Silk spoke with Bryan Fischer of the AFR Talk Radio Network this afternoon.
Although his bill never got a hearing before a state legislative committee, the New York Times featured Sen. Silk in an article about religious freedom – and a partial quotation went viral throughout the LGBT blogosphere.
Homosexuals “don’t have a right to be served in every single store,” he said. But he told Fischer the Times abridged his remarks to make him look bad. He continued, “I don't believe I have the right to be served in every store.”
Owners, he said, have the right to deny services to disruptive people, individuals who violate their shop's standards, and most certainly those whose service would require them to violate their conscience.
Homosexual extremists, he said, promptly disagreed. “They want their behavior condoned, and they want their behavior accepted,” he said.
“Over the past three days, I have received literally hundreds of e-mails and death threats and phone calls,” Sen. Silk told Fischer. “It has been absolutely crazy.”
That includes “death threats to my children now, saying that they need to go to Hell.”
“And what's frustrating is the church has relatively remained silent,” he said. “There is a tremendous amount of spiritual warfare going on with this particular case.”
He warned that what begins in business will soon spread through all of society. “The LGBT movement is the main thing, the primary thing that’s going to be challenging religious liberties and the freedom to live out religious convictions,” he told theTimes.
Today, he doubled down on that assertion. “The LGBT activists do not want people to have freedom. They do not want people to be able to exercise their religious convictions.”
“This is about freedom. This is about religious liberty,” Sen. Silk said. “Very soon the church won't have the right, according to the government, to preach that homosexuality is wrong. That's where this road is going. That's why this is so important.”
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He said if his bill remains effectively dead for for the rest of this legislative session, he will “absolutely” introduce similar legislation next year.
Senator Joseph Silk
2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room 536
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Executive Assistant: Sherry Mitchell
El P. Guerra publica «¿Por qué hay tantas religiones?»

«En Charlie Hebdo chocaron dos fundamentalismos: el yihadista y el laicista masónico»

«En Charlie Hebdo chocaron dos fundamentalismos: el yihadista y el laicista masónico»
La masonería no es neutral, tiene una ideología muy concreta - el laicismo excluyente que busca ocultar todo lo religioso
Actualizado 10 marzo 2015
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El sacerdote español Manuel Guerra, un experto en masonería, sectas y nuevos movimientos religiosos, condena los atentados yihadistas de París, pero advierte de que el laicismo en Occidente quiere someter a “arresto domiciliario” la vivencia religiosa pública.

-Acaba de publicar el libro digital «¿Por qué hay tantas religiones?» (Digital Reasons) donde analiza el sentido religioso del ser humano plasmado a lo largo de la historia. ¿Cree usted que es factor constitutivo de la naturaleza humana, de nuestra exigencia de significado?
-A mi juicio el mayor filósofo en lengua española en el siglo XX fue Javier Zubiri. Él dijo: "El hombre notiene, sino que velis nolis, quieras o no, esreligación” respecto de lo divino, o sea, la religión. Lo que uno tiene, por ejemplo un bolígrafo, la cartera, lo puede perder. Lo que uno es, lo es mientras es o existe. Por eso el hombre o adora a Dios o venera a un ídolo de oro, plata o simplemente imaginario (F. Dostoiesvski).

-Se achaca a las religiones, en ocasiones, que han servido para enfrentar a las personas en vez hermanarlas. ¿Esto sería religión o ideología? -En general, a veces incitan a la violencia no las religiones, sino sus miembros. Por ejemplo, los llamados “pecados históricos” de la Iglesia (guerras de religión, intentos –inquisitoriales o no- de imponer la fe por la fuerza, etc.,) han existido no por la naturaleza del cristianismo o de la Iglesia, sino porque los cristianos o los católicos no han sido lo suficientemente cristianos para vivir en coherencia con su fe en un Dios que es Amor (Jn 4, 8,16), que, encarnado, nos mandó amar a todos, también a los enemigos, y Él mismo se dejó crucificar en vez de eliminar a sus enemigos.

»Es cierto que alguna religión, por sus circunstancias históricas, tiene en sí misma gérmenes de violencia al ofrecer a los infieles, a los no musulmanes, la necesidad de elegir entre su conversión al Islam o la muerte; a los infieles de libro (judíos, cristianos, zoroástricos) o una tercera posibilidad, a saber, abonar un impuesto económico por no ser musulmanes. Por su parte, ideologías paganas (nazismo) y ateas (comunismo) han causado un número muchísimo mayor de muertosviolentamente ya en el siglo XX.

-Con relación a los asesinatos en la revista francesa Charlie Hebdo, Cameron y otros atacaron al Papa porque dijo que daría un puñetazo a quienes insultaran a su madre. ¿Qué opina?-La revista Charlie Hebdo es un semanario laicista (hebdómada es “semana” en latín). Uno de los supervivientes ha manifestado que varios de los asesinados eran masones Por eso, pienso:

a) que no se puede matar a nadie por sus ideas.

b) que, según se ha dicho, ha habido colisión entre dos clases de libertad, a saber, la libertad religiosa y la libertad de expresión. Pero hay que profundizar más.

c) En realidad, esos asesinatos han sido provocados por el enfrentamiento entre dos tipos de fundamentalismo, a saber, el yihadista islámico y el laicista masónico.

»El laicismo de origen e impronta masónica sostiene que debe aceptarse por todos lo común a todas las religiones y, por ello, tiene derecho a ocupar los espacios públicos (calles, colegios, universidades, hospitales, parlamentos, etc.), mientras que condena a una especie de arresto domiciliario en el foro interior de la conciencia individual y dentro de los templos a lo específico (símbolos, creencias, normativa ético-moral) de cada religión de las existentes actualmente.

»Por eso, “Charlie Hebdo” ridiculiza blasfema y groseramente a todas las religiones concretas, también al islam, pero sobre todo a la cristiana. Pero, aunque se blasfeme, no puede existir el derecho a blasfemar, o sea a injuriar gravemente a Dios y a los creyentes, como, aunque se asesine, no puede haber el derecho a asesinar.

-En España, distintos grupos han arremetido últimamente al conocerse los contenidos de la clase de religión, como la creación del mundo por Dios, al considerarlos trasnochados. ¿A qué cree que obedece este intento de censura?-Evidentemente el laicismo se opone a que haya clase de religión. Propugna la escuela pública, laica (o sea, laicista) y, a veces añaden como ideal, “única”. Pero la educación de los hijos, sobre todo si son menores de edad, compete a sus padres, que tienen derecho a educarles en centros de un ideario conforme a sus creencias o increencias.

»Además, conviene distinguir entre la “catequesis” que se da fuera de la escuela (en la familia, en la parroquia, etc.,) y la “clase de religión” que se imparte en la escuela, colegios y universidad. La clase de religión debe servir, al menos, para poder entender la cultura (obras literarias, pictóricas, tectónicas, etc.,), que, en los países occidentales ha sido cristiana en los dos últimos milenios.

»En cuanto al origen del universo, de la vida y del hombre está superado el “creacionismo”, o sea, la interpretación literalísima de los primeros capítulos del Génesis bíblico (afirmada por bastantes grupos protestantes), no su “creación” por Dios (doctrina de la Iglesia católica).

»Además, más de una vez me ha producido sonrojo y hasta sonrisa ver la obstinación de algunos cientificistas empeñados en negar la creación mientras afirman las explicaciones de las mitologías orientales (hindúes, budistas, jainistas), a saber, los ciclos cósmicos, la reencarnación de las almas, etc. Y conste que, en contra de lo pensado por bastantes, la creación es compaginable con la evolución, pues la nada ni es ni evoluciona.¿Cómo se produjo lo que al acaecer el Big Bang primordial causó el despliegue en el origen del espacio y del tiempo?